Dunes of Dauphin Island |Family Portraits

This was a late February beach session at the gorgeous West End beach of Dauphin Island. Originally planned for a windy day prior, we wisely rescheduled for better weather the following day. With the sun shining brightly, I positioned the subjects with their backs to the sun to ensure minimal glare in their eyes. Starting amidst the serene dunes next to the bustling parking lot due to the crowded conditions, we later made our way to the expansive beach as the day drew to a close. This decision paid off incredibly as we were rewarded with a breathtaking sunset view.

This is a prime illustration of the potential limitations of mini-sessions. The young child, merely three years old, initially hesitated to stand independently on the sandy shore. It required a significant 15-minute interval for him to ease into the shoot and pose solo for his portraits.


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